Transition Salt Spring - TSS AGM - ZOOM
Jim Standen - TESLA Model 3, Team Lead, media, web site, EV registrations, interface with Victoria EV Association, SSI Chamber of Commerce, automotive dealers.
Barbara Dempster - CHEVROLET BOLT, Team Lead Backup, Charger expert, Exchange interface. Vancouver EV Association and CRD interface.
Markus Wenzel - TESLA Model 3, financial considerations.
John Holmes - NISSAN LEAF, ice conversions, public EV charger support.
Ky Fox - NISSAN LEAF, entertainment coordinator.
Dennis Fortin - BMW-i3, EV 101 instructor, on-line / local and tourism charger maps (ie. Gulf Islander Magazine).
Tom Mitchell - NISSAN LEAF, special events, ArtSpring donation box.
David Elderton - NISSAN LEAF, electronics and e-bikes.
Ron Watts - KIA SOUL EV, Community Energy Group Society Interface.
John Newton - NISSAN LEAF, Statistics.
Our team mantra’s are: “Keep the EV conversation going” and “have lots of fun with our mission”
we are a fiscally responsible group and have always been bank balance positive.
Repair of ArtSpring chargers (vandalism)
Addition of 2 Tesla chargers at Country Grocer and replacement of ailing Campus Nissan charger
Initiation of Dealer Days program
#1. First Dealer Days (Motorize Auto Direct and Harris Automotive), Buffet, invitation-only for corporate SSI individuals at Penny's)
#2. Second Dealer Days (Harris Kia, Nanimo and Duncan Hyundai at Penny's)
Initial (Spring) offering of EV 101 class at the Library
Second (Fall) offering of EV 101 at the Library
Second printing of our 20 page booklet (Why Own an EV on Salt Spring Island)
Handed out at EV 101, Island Savings at the Insurance and Investments desks and Country Grocer on Earth Day
5 EVolution articles in the Driftwood.
For the second time, hosted the Christmas “Light up Ganges” event with a decorated EV parade
The Pandemic restricted our activities, but some accomplishments were made:
Repair of ArtSpring chargers (from vandalism, again)
Participation on Climate Action Plan - 2.0 - Transportation committee
The EV Group attended a “drive around the Legislature event" to promote better legislation in support of EV’s. Reported in the Driftwood.
First offering of Covid-Friendly ZOOM/Library EV 101. The Zoom attendance was 20, the physical library attendance was 1 and 3 support folks)
7 more EVolution articles in the Driftwood (and a few other articles)
Third printing of “why Drive an EV on Salt Spring Island” booklets
Maintained an active connection with the Victoria EV Association
All local and digital paper maps updated (examples: Gulf Islander Magazine, Visitor Information Center maps, Plugshare)
Reached 12 free public chargers hosting 18 charging wands (3 with donation boxes). 4 are Tesla chargers. (new level 2 chargers were installed at Portlock Park by the CRD and at Merchants' Mews)
Recent Activities:
Dec 3, 2020. ZOOM: "Ask an EV expert" session (EV Questions in general)
- Featured Julian Sale of Motorize Electric Vehicles
- 20 attendees
January, 2021. New VIDEO: "EV 101" course
- Featured local instructor Dennis Fortin
- intended to be self-directed education. The same course material has been offered by the EV groupseveral times SSI
- View it at:
Feb 2, 2021. ZOOM: "Ask an EV expert" session (Tesla Model 2 and Tesla Model 3)
- Featured Julian Sale of Motorize Electric Vehicles
- 11 attendees (6 from EV Group)
PENDING: March 26, 2021. ZOOM: "Ask Salt Spring" session (e-cars and e-bikes)
- Featuring: Jim Standen on Cars and David Elderton on e-bikes
- xx attendees ?
ArtSpring Chargers
- Cause: Vandalism ("intense" pulling on wands and cables)
- Solution:
1) cut power from ArtSpring. (re: [email protected]). Open charger and reconnect separated wires. Bolster throughhauls:
2) disassemble both charging wands and rebuild
3) all repair costs absorbed by the TSS-EV Group
Island Savings Charger
- Cause: Wand is worn out
- Solution:
1) cut power from Island Savings (re: Dan Adair, Branch Manager)
2) replace wand with donated replacement wand from Motorize Electric Vehicle
3) all repair costs absorbed by TSS-EV Group
Library Charger
- Cause: Wand is worn out
- Solution:
1) cut power from Library (re: Robert Bartram, Building Manager)
2) replace wand with donated replacement wand from Motorize Electric Vehicle
3) all repair costs absorbed by TSS-EV Group
total repair costs for all Charger Station repairs - Labour (John Holmes -$225)
- we funded the Southern Community Energy Garden Solar Car Charger Project ($250)
- we committed funding in support of the Island pathways Ruckle Park e-bike project ($500)
- we received a request to support the WAWWE Food delivery company which performs deliveries in Tesla Model 3 and Tesla Model 3. Their request was to approach other EV owners on SSI to volunteer to make delivers. We harvested 7 volunteers for them, and have assisted in their press releases, made connections with the Driftwood and have added them on the Web Site in under EV Business Heroes.
- assisted Guy Dauncey from Yellow Point in his one page "visit neighbour - why go electric document."
- assisted in a University of Calgary EV Survey (Huscayne School of Management)
- Attended:
"Ask Salt Spring" ZOOM Jan 29, 2021,
EV Group ZOOM Dec 20 and Jan 10th
3 VEVA (Victoria EV Association) meetings
EV Consulting ZOOM, Feb 1 (Curt, Ron, X)
- expenses were higher in January doe to one-time expenses.
- the EV Group is well funded for the immediate future with a TSS deposit balance of approximately $6,500